After the names of certain CUMAS members had been passed to the Malaysian High Commission as so-called "reformasi" supporters, a "survey" is now being circulated to divert attention and cover-up those misdeeds. The Cambridge Coalition for a Free Malaysia would like to remind the President of CUMAS that his previous breach of UK and university regulations on the inappropriate usage of membership data is now being investigated by our supporters and we will not hesitate to bring them forward, at the appropriate times:

In answer to the so-called "confidential survey", please read our replies as follows:

Survey for CUMaS Members

Fellow CUMaS members,

Due to the recent series of wild allegations levelled at CUMaS, her various committees and individual committee members, your current Exco 1999/2000 hereby undertakes the following survey:

OUR COMMENT: The prelimary notes of the survey shows the bias of the CUMAS President. "Wild" allegations? Why not investigate them first? Or is this "survey" like the judgments of Judges Paul and Jaka, i.e. a "foregone conclusion"?

1. Have you ever voiced your disapproval to the CUMaS Committee and/or Conference Organising Committee in organising the 'Malaysia In The New Millennium' Conference to be held on Saturday, 7 October 2000?
Yes / No

OUR COMMENT: Yes. Details will be forthcoming.

2. Have you, or your family members ever been threatened with the withdrawal of scholarships and financial help with respect to any issue by any committee member of CUMaS or the 'Malaysia In The New Millennium' Conference Committee?
Yes / No / Not holding scholarship or financial aid


If yes, please elaborate:
Certain agents of the government of Dr. Mahathir have threatened our members that their scholarships will be suspended or terminated if they address the Prime Minister with questions related to the illegal seizure and jailing of Anwar Ibrahim. Siblings of so-called "reformasi" supporters have been sent anonymous e-mails telling them to "advise" family members to stop supporting reformasi or "get the chop". An organising officer of the "Malaysia In the New Millenium" conference sent abusive e-mails with obscene Chinese and English words to members of CUMAS accused as "reformasi" supporters.

3. Are you a part (in any capacity) of 'The Cambridge Coalition for a Free Malaysia*'?
Yes / No

* This organisation claims to be made up of members of CUMaS and uses our Society logo for its website:

OUR COMMENT: Yes, we are the members of CCFM.

(a) The CUMaS Committee 1999/2000 guarantees that individual responses to the above survey will be kept confidential and prior permission will be obtained from the individual otherwise. Please treat this survey seriously to provide the committee with a true picture.
(b) Please reply before Monday, 4 September 2000.
(c) We thank you for your cooperation and prompt response.


CUMaS Exco 1999/2000

OUR COMMENT: We would be fools to trust CUMAS President Tan Khoon Tee with any promises of "confidentiality" after his vindictive and malicious passing of "names of Reformasi supporters" to the agents of the Dr. Mahathir government. You cannot fool all the people all the time!

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Anwar Ibrahim, 53, is a prisoner of conscience.  He is under a 15 year jail sentence after a show trial held by the regime of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.  To find out more about his struggle please visit